The air in your home has a lot to do with how you feel. People spend a lot of time in their homes and the quality of the air can be adjusted with a few changes. The HVAC system is a big component in the quality which is why you need to have your HVAC system tuned up and inspected on a regular basis. The system is what is circulating the air that is in your home and being brought in the house and either warming or cooling it down. The air can start to become stagnant and settle in the house which means that over time the quality of air will lessen and get worse. The air quality that is in your home is a large factor in the health of you and your family. If you are wondering about the quality of air in your home you can look for some signs that tell you there is trouble.
Agape Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing Outlines Signs of Poor Indoor Air Quality in Your Home
Home Air Smells Bad or Musty: One of the top reasons you know you are struggling with indoor air quality is the smells that seem to linger in your home. Have you ever cooked a great dinner and realized the next morning that the smell of spaghetti is still in the house. Maybe you do some deep cleaning and that Lysol smell just doesn’t go away. These smells should be able to dissipate into the air and you have a fresh smelling home. The reason you might have smells that remain in the house is that filters are not being swapped out appropriately.
So Much Dust in My House: The other area that indicates you have a problem with your indoor air quality is the amount of dust that is on the surfaces of your home. Your home is full of allergens and dust particles that over time will start to land on the different indoor surfaces. The great thing is that your HVAC filters that will catch these particles and stop them from settling in your home. When you forget to change out the filters and have your air ducts cleaned, the dust has nowhere to catch and will float around your home. If you have dust around your home and you have to clean it all the time it may be a sign that you have poor air quality.
Allergy Sufferers in Home: The air quality you have in your home is a large factor in the amount of trouble you have with allergies and asthma. There is dust and allergens that act as a trigger when they are sent swirling around your home. If you are having an increase in the amount of allergies and asthma attacks in your home then you need to have your HVAC system inspected and tuned up. This will help to increase the air quality in your home.
Air Conditioning Inspections, Tune Ups & More in Manhattan, Flushing, Queens, Brooklyn & The Bronx, New York
Agape Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing offers expert HVAC and plumbing services to meet all your mechanical contracting needs. Contact us to schedule an inspection today!