If you are like many other homes in the NY area, you are heating your home with oil rather than forced air. This can get pricey if you don’t know the ins and outs of purchasing oil to keep you warm throughout the winter. There are several things that you can do to ensure you don’t go broke as you try to stay warm this winter. Agape Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing is here to share some of our best tips.
Compare Local Home Heating Oil Prices
You may feel the need to stay with a provider that you have used several years in the past. While you might like the way they do business, this doesn’t ensure you are getting the best deal on your oil. Shopping around will uncover some providers that can give you a better price for your oil. Enough of a discount that you may be better off switching to them.
Join a Citizens Discount Heating Oil Co-Op
Even though you face a monthly charge to be part of a co-op, you could end up seeing some real savings that may make that monthly fee worth it. In fact, you could see even as much as 20% savings on your oil bill.
Best Heating Oil Prices
It’s hard to say which way is best when it comes to pricing options. Some people may not realize that there are different options to choose from. Following are the choices you do have:
– Market Price: When you choose this option, you will be getting oil for whatever the current market value is. With this option, you won’t be dealing with a contract and you will have to schedule deliveries. This is a good option if you are only planning to fill your tank when prices are at their lowest. You could wind up paying high prices though if the cost doesn’t fluctuate the way you want it to.
– Fixed Price: With this option, you will lock in your oil rate at the beginning of the season. That way, no matter how far up or down the cost goes, you can always count on paying a stable price. If you are worried about prices skyrocketing, this is the way to go.
– Capped Price: This is a good plan if you are concerned about climbing prices, but still want to get better prices if they become available. You will be protected from hikes, but still be able to take advantage of the low prices.
Reduce Oil Consumption & Use Heating Oil Efficiently
Of course the best way to save on oil this winter is to use less of it. You may be able to cut down the amount of oil you use by:
– Wearing layers and keeping the thermostat set lower
– Having your heating system inspected and maintained
– Conduct a home energy audit so you can see areas that are in need of improvement
Furnace & Boiler Inspection, Troubleshooting, Repair, Tune Up Maintenance, Replacement & More in Bedford Hills, Manhattan, Flushing, Queens, Brooklyn & The Bronx, New York
If you are looking for ways to save on heating oil, you can count on the experts at Agape Air Conditioning & Heating to help you with our furnace and boiler maintenance and repair services. Call us today!