One of the most important parts of your AC unit is the refrigerant. Some people even call it by the name of the brand that is used in their unit. The unit is able to circulate the air and blow it in the home but it will not be cool on a hot summer day unless you have refrigerant. The air conditioning unit needs to have the cooling component working and in good condition to work right. There are many misconceptions about refrigerant that may be wrong and it is best to understand it so that you can have repairs done when needed.
Agape Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing Explains What Refrigerant or Coolant Is & How It Works
Why Do You Need Refrigerant: You might be like most people and think the refrigerant is actually called Freon. Freon is a brand of refrigerant but it is not the only type that can be used. The refrigerant is added to the unit when it is installed at your home but it can become too low and cause problems. The refrigerant is a liquid that will then turn to a gas when the heated air moves through the coils. The coils are able to help reduce the amount of heat in them and then in turn the air is cooled and sent back into your home. The refrigerant also is able to release the hot air into the outside air around the unit. There are some misconceptions that people have where they assume the air is cooled off by the refrigerant but that is not true. The refrigerant actually pulls out the heat and that leaves the air at a much cooler temperature.
Low AC Refrigerant: In terms of refrigerant it does not work like your cars gas gauge. Some people are under the impression that they can let the refrigerant run low and then refill it. The problem is that the refrigerant has to be left full or it will not work efficiently. The refrigerant should not actually be getting lower and lower because it is not what runs the actual unit. Your unit is run from the electricity which is why the refrigerant should last. The interesting thing is that if your unit is low in refrigerant then you do have an issue.
How to Recharge AC Refrigerant: If you think your AC unit is low on refrigerant you need to have it inspected. If you are not a professional you might not know what to look for. The reason you need to have your unit inspected is for two reasons. One is we can check the unit to see what level the refrigerant is at. Then we need to find the reason that your unit is low. There is often times a leak that is lending to the problem. We can pinpoint the issue and have it repaired before we recharge the unit.
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Agape Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing offers professional plumbing and HVAC services. Contact us for all your mechanical contractor needs.